Finding Signals

In daily life, we face questions like "Do I go to Ladakh or Kerala", "Do I invest in ₿itcoin or Ethereum" 🤔...
To arrive at a conclusion, we look for Signals 🚩...
- What was the "Avg temp of Ladakh v/s Kerala for last Y days"
- What is the "Correlation b/w price of ₿itcoin & Ethereum"
Let us take an example & try to find "Avg temp of Ladakh for last 18 days":
- Non-Coder:
- Find the website that provides weather info. Copy data carefully to MS Excel / Google Sheets
- Repeat the process until you have information for all 18 days
- Clean the Data, remove HTML tags, etc. Apply the formula to calculate Mean
- Coder:
- Find & understand the Accuweather API
- Call the API, slice/dice data
- Design a function to calculate Mean, call the function
Overall time taken: at least 1 hr 🕐
In this world of readily available data & infinite computation power, why did it take so long & why was it so difficult?💭
Why is it so difficult to play with data 😵💫
How can one make an informed choice if they don't have access to these basic signals🥴
💡 Idea
No-Code Smart Table
- The User is provided with plethora of data sources

- She chooses a data source(say, Accuweather). Sees available data in sample format.
date: 2021-07-30T09:15:00-0400,
temperature: 20,
humidity: 40
- Going to the next step shows a table prefilled with values

- Want humidity also? Just add another column.

- Why table you ask? Because everyone is already familiar with it. It also allows easy filtering, sorting, and applying pre-built formulas.
- Bored of tables? No Problem. We have auto-magically generated graphs for you.